My Experience at Yale
9m 12s | 2020 |
Producer Director : Alberto Lau
George says his stay at Yale was both profoundly alienating and one of enormous growth. His classmates saved the day.
My Legacy
4m 5s | 2020 |
Producer Director : Alberto Lau
George says his legacy is the hundreds of residential projects he designed and shaping the Dartmouth College campus, particularly in selecting architects. He tells the story of how he intervened and got Charles Moore selected to design the Hood Museum of Art, and how he went on to influence the selection of architects for several buildings during his tenure as college architect and chair of the Design Review Committee.
To view George's book about his projects click on the PDF symbol on the right. When the document opens keep scrolling down. This is a rough draft of what may become a book.
The Next Ten Years
1m 29s | 2020 |
Producer Director : Alberto Lau
George does not have any particular plan for the next ten years. He says things have happened to him in life and he has taken advantage of those opportunities. He would simply like to be healthy and be with family.